Limerick Photographer | Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

Clark/Herman Wedding Preview…

I was lucky to be the one to photograph the wedding of Brandi and Jay at ACE Conference Center in Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania. Saturday August 27th Hurricane Irene decided to make an appearance, however it didn’t dampen their day. Brandi and Jay were by far...

Friday iPhone Photo Dump

Ok I don’t recall where I got this from, but I love it.  Actually I saw this on Enjoying the Small Things, Kelle dumps her phone every friday on her blog and I really enjoy it.  So I decided to start doing the Friday phone dump here.  I plan on uploading some...

The Twins are here…

My cousin had her sweet littles on Friday night. I made it over to the hospital to get a few pictures. Their official newborn shoot is on Wednesday. Welcome to the world Olivia Rose and Dominic Salvatore. Olivia weighed in at 5.1 lbs and Dominic weighed in at 4.8 lbs....

The A Family

I got to meet the A family on Monday morning. We were supposed to have a session Sunday night but the island got hit with a really big storm. So we moved it to first thing Monday morning. The girls were a natural and smiled so well for the camera. I love meeting new...

Ella Is One

Ella turned one a few weeks ago back in MAY! Yes you read that right MAY and I figure since I am going to do their beach portraits tomorrow I really need to get her birthday photos on the blog. I was lucky enough to get to photograph her on her first birthday. The...

Life through my Iphone

Wow it has already been a week since I last posted. I have lots to blog about. I still have Ella’s birthday shoot from last month, visitors to the beach house, my big move, living in two places and keeping my sanity, and so much more. For now I will give you a...