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33 – Random Acts of Kindness over 33 days – Week 1

by | Feb 12, 2014 | 33 Acts Of Kindness, Kate Giovinco Photography | 1 comment

I will be updating over the next 5 weeks to see what we have been to. I will also be offering ways in which you can help or even just be inspired to do it on your own. I decided that for my 33rd birthday I would do 33 random acts of kindness (RAOK) over 33 days. Last year I started the tradition and did all 32 ROAK in one day. So this year I wanted to spread it out so that I could spend more time on certain acts. Like visiting with my neighbors when we delivered them some special treats. Boy am I glad I did because we had an ice storm that took down the state and the states surrounding it for almost a week.

Day 1 – I decided to start on my birthday. I knew exactly what my first act would be. I wanted to surprise my  neighbors with homemade Gluten Free Banana Bread. I found the recipe from Musings of a Housewife and it was amazing. My neighbors are in their 80’s and they are constantly helping us out. They bring our trash cans up every week before we get home from work. They handle our sidewalks with their snow blower before we can even get out there in the morning. They are constantly checking on us and delive

ring us special treats. I knew they were the first raok I wanted to perform. It was wonderful because I was able to spend some time visiting with them. And to show how amazing they are we received a thank you card in the mail a day later.

Day 2 – We were still iced in. So I thought the mailman deserved to be my second RAOK. We have a great mailman and I wanted to give him something special especially today. I gave him some fancy hot chocolate from the local sweet shop with some homemade banana bread. I also attached a thank you note for all his hard work. My goal this year is to learn him name. 

Day 3 – We were finally able to leave the house. I wanted to bring a friend who is dealing with cancer some soups. I figured she would get a few meals out of these.

Day 4  – We went to the mall to celebrate my birthday with my family. I decided that would be the perfect time to buy a gift for one of my friends who is bringing home her little guy soon. He will be arriving any day in America and I wanted to send him a little gift in the meantime. His mama and daddy are two of the most patient people I have ever encountered. We could learn a lot from them and their faith. I am honored to call him mama a friend and I can’t wait to see the little guy finally in her arms.

Day 5 – This is the day we got engaged and decided to head over to the court house for a marriage license. We don’t waste any time over here. So while at the courthouse I worked extra hard to be kind to everyone especially those in a rush. So many unkind people at the courthouse. I held the door for at least 5 people and smiled every time. Not one person smiled or said thank you. I know they definitely needed some kindness sent their way.

Day 6 – I decided to treat the person behind me at Dunkin Donuts to their morning treat.

Day 7 – Today is day 7 and I want to open this up to you. Last year I found an amazing organization called the Mitzvah Circle. They are a non-profit organization that provides support, hope and dignity to individuals and families during times of crisis, poverty, homelessness and serious illness. I contacted the director Fran before my birthday and asked her what they needed. She told me they are always in need of size 4 and 5 diapers. So I told her I would do what I could to get her as many diapers as possible. “Did you know that babies living in poverty only get one diaper change a day.” Can you imagine only changing your baby once a day because you can’t afford diapers. Fran told me last year that they even accept open packages of diapers. So if your little one has outgrown that size and they don’t need them anymore the Mitzvah Circle is the perfect place to donate them. So here is what you can do. Over the next few weeks I will be collecting diapers(any size, but preferably size 4 and 5.) You can contact me directly through the website or via Facebook to schedule a time to deliver or have me come to you and pick up your donations. I will be getting all the donations together and hoping to deliver on Friday, March 7th. If you don’t want to purchase diapers feel free to donate any amount and I will purchase diapers with the money raised the day before I deliver. I have created a donate button for paypal. Click on the button and donate any amount you would like. I will be removing the button on Thursday, March 6th at 5pm. I will then go and purchase the diapers to deliver the following day.

I look forward to seeing what we can do as a community to give back. Thank you again for helping me on this exciting journey.
These ladies are the amazing ladies behind the Mitzvah Circle. 


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