Limerick Photographer | Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

Closed for the Holidays

We are closed for the Holidays and will reopen on Wednesday, January 3rd. In the meantime we have been visiting with family and friends. Christmas was amazing and tomorrow I am headed to New York with my entire family to celebrate my nephew’s 9th birthday. See...

2011 – A Story Board Of My Personal Life

This is a story board I decided to do for 2011. If I have time I might go back and do one for 2010. I am planning on doing this every year. I am going to have it blown up to 12 x 12 and printed. I plan to hang it in my living room. 2011 has been a phenomenal year. Not...

This is what…

So I could title this so many different things. I saw a group of photographers doing a project called “This is what…” and each week they document their own families doing something. Like This is what dress up looks like, this is what baking a cake...


I am still in Colorado and as I sit here there is 10 inches of snow on the ground outside. Huck is at school, his Papa is at work, his mom and baby brother are upstairs sleeping. Today Cole is exactly a week old. I have a few more days here in Colorado before I head...