Limerick Photographer | Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

Huck turns 2 SOON!

So apparently I need to clear something up since on 3 different occasions lately people have thought that Huck is his real name. It is only his online name. In real life I address him as Dillon and whenever I talk about him with family and friends I call him Dillon....


I am still in Colorado and as I sit here there is 10 inches of snow on the ground outside. Huck is at school, his Papa is at work, his mom and baby brother are upstairs sleeping. Today Cole is exactly a week old. I have a few more days here in Colorado before I head...

Colorado and a boy who turned 1!

I know I haven’t posted in a long time. Things have been really busy and even though that isn’t a good excuse it is the truth. I am going to try and blog more. I am in Colorado for Huck’s first birthday. I will be taking lots and lots of pictures...