Limerick Photographer | Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

VA Beach Crew

A few weekends ago I was in VA beach visiting my sister and her little ones. I got to take the kids to the beach and then iHop for dinner and finished it off with a little DQ afterwards. They had a blast and so did I! My sister’s three. Who doesn’t love a...

Virginia Beach

In less than three hours I am heading to VA beach to see some of my favorite people. I can’t wait to see the kids. Especially babylicious. Seriously 2 year olds are so much fun. So for the next 5 days I get to spend some time with my family, spend time with a...

Baking Cupcakes

All she asked me to do today was bake some cupcakes. Ok that is a lie,  she asks a lot to be done in a day, but she did ask if we could bake cupcakes. I hesitated at first and then figured why not. You only live once and they are only 5 for a very short period of...