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Baking Cupcakes

by | Oct 26, 2010 | Family, Noor, Virginia Beach | 3 comments

All she asked me to do today was bake some cupcakes. Ok that is a lie,  she asks a lot to be done in a day, but she did ask if we could bake cupcakes. I hesitated at first and then figured why not. You only live once and they are only 5 for a very short period of time so today Bossy Boots* and I baked Fun Fetti Cupcakes and made our own homemade icing.


Cracking her first eggs ever! She didn’t even get a shell in there. She is awesome!





I said hop on the chair and let me take your picture. I was cracking up and knew I had to give her a different option.


So she held the cupcakes.


She told her mom at desert tonight that the reason she made cupcakes today was so that her and Lucas could each have two. She is our little negotiator. It didn’t work however clever it was and ended up with just one cupcake!

*Her new nickname because whoa boy is she a bossy one! Takes after her Aunt Kate!

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