Limerick Photographer | Pennsylvania Wedding Photographer

Today I am working in the office. I come back to PA twice a week to work at the office. Other than that I am lucky enough to have this view in my backyard. I love Family Beach as I like to call it. It is when my whole family gathers at the Family Beach House and spend countless hours together. Friends are in and out, the door is always revolving and the motto is “The more the merrier.” And it is so true. It is truly my favorite place to be. I love my family, I love being surrounded by them on a daily basis, I love watching the 6 pack grow up. I can’t wait to get there tonight and the family to start arriving this weekend. Let the summer begin! Oh and lucky me lucky me Babylicious is coming an entire week early with my mom aka her GRANDMOTHER as she now addresses her. That is an entirely different post in itself. Anyway I can not wait to get my camera on her. Oh and of course my hands. She is my baby after all. (Yes she will be three this July,but I will always call her my baby.) Happy Thursday Internets.


Take a Look

Angert Family


Basile Family


Radio Flyer
