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Camrynn at 5 weeks

by | Sep 29, 2011 | Friends | 0 comments

I went back to check this morning and I never posted about Miss Cam’s newborn session. I gave a sneak peak and the link to facebook, but I need to update since I did her 5 week pictures yesterday.

Miss Cam is the baby of one of my oldest friends. She turned 5 weeks old on Tuesday and yesterday I went to lunch with her mama. I knew we needed to get a few pictures of Miss Cam. She went from 8lbs 80z at birth to 12lbs 4oz at her one month check up. Girlfriend is healthy. I will give you her 5 week pictures but check back in a bit and I will make sure I blog about her newborn session.

My first attempt at sewing with my new machine. I am in love with baby legs. Seriously they are over the top cuteness. This is the first pair I sewed and Miss Cam was my model. I seriously love how they turned out. Cami’s mama and I were in target and I bought 8 more pairs of socks to make more baby legs from. 

Hello healthy baby chunk. Seriously how bad do you all want to squeeze her. I know I do the entire time I visit.

Cam and her friends. She loved the music. She would check them out when the music started playing. As soon as it stopped she would fuss. I would put it back on and she was a happy girl to hang out with her buddies.

Seriously baby sneezes…can you get any cuter than that. 


And one last shot. This is Cam’s amazing nursery. Isn’t it beautiful and soothing. I love all the natural tons. Her daddy is a painter and he does amazing work. I love the bead board on the wall. Now back to the baby in the picture, yes there is a baby on the changing table but I assure you I was right there. This picture took a second to snap, because I had already set up my camera while holding Miss Cam, when I was ready I laid her down, and then went back to my spot I had metered and pushed my shutter. Most important rule of baby photography, heck any photography is safety.

Of course there are always more added to Facebook so make sure you click on over and like our page.


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