One year and a few days ago I had my last Diet Coke. I decided I needed to post this here as well. On August 12th it was 1 full year, 365 days since my last diet coke. That is a huge accomplishment as I was drinking at least 12 a day. Not 12 cans but 12 – 20oz bottles. So I calculated how much I would have saved in the year and am almost embarrassed to admit that it was over $6,000.00. Yes $6,000.00. So this year I plan to put that money away and do something good for myself in a year. I also decided that since I made it a year I need to work on another thing I shouldn’t put in my body and that is Gluten. So here goes nothing. I am going Gluten Free, like I should have done years ago. Heck I did it growing up, but I need to do it again. I gave it up a few years ago, but never go more than a month, so now I am planning on going full force gluten free and seeing how long I can do it. I feel so much better when I don’t eat it. So now comes the will power of eating Gluten Free.
One Year Ago…and a few days…
Take a Look

