Over 3 years ago when I left my marriage I decided to find myself. I had lost that girl and knew she was in there. I knew she had so much to offer and I truly needed to not only find her but put her back together. It has been 3.5 years since I said good bye to the man I loved and the broken girl I was .
Three years ago I decided to join in on a photography group known as 365. It is about taking a self portrait daily for 365 days in a row. I completed it back in 2007 and I had met so many wonderful people. Through those people I have met more people. I am truly blessed. Some of my closest friends are from that chapter of my life. A group of us decided to go at it again. I succeeded once, failed once with in the first month, and figured that the third time was a charm. So here I am 13 days into it and loving it. Yes it is a lot, yes it takes time, but I get so much out of it. Not only do I get to form and grow relationships, I learn so much about myself. Life is truly wonderful. I am lucky and I am in such a wonderful place. I can’t wait to see what this year brings.
So I have posted a few of my favorite 365’s this time around.I will post more through out this year. I hope you enjoy.