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Welcome Home, It’s Snowing!

by | Jan 26, 2011 | 30 in 30, 365, California | 1 comment

I am recovering from traveling 18 hours overnight from California to Philadelphia. It was three flights a few delays but I got home around noon and went to bed. I woke up 5 hours later and did some photography work. I am planning to have a booth at a bridal show in West Chester in March. I also went to the grocery store because I have been out of town for the last two weeks and needed to get some healthy foods. We are supposed to get 6 – 10 inches of snow tomorrow so I am going to make this amazing butternut squash soup. My favorite housewife made it while I was visiting. Not only is it healthy it is super tasty.

025.365.2011 Recipe Courtesy Of My Favorite House Wife

1 butternut squash
2 leeks
2 pears (you can use canned if you cant find fresh)
2 large tomatoes
olive oil
chicken stock or vegetable stock

Roast squash (cubed), leeks (quartered) pears (quartered), tomatoes (quartered)
and 4 cloves of garlic. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast at 425 for
40 mins until squash is soft.

Then just puree in a blender with 2-4 cups chicken stock or vegetable stock depending on the
thinkness you want.

You can also add gorgonzola cheese to the top or thick croutons but personally I just love it by it self.

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