So I could title this so many different things. I saw a group of photographers doing a project called “This is what…” and each week they document their own families doing something. Like This is what dress up looks like, this is what baking a cake looks like, etc. When I was working on my mom’s Christmas gift I kept thinking…”This is what…” Â and of course a couple other things I really can’t share on this blog. Like my real thoughts on making a family calendar.
So anyway there are so many different possible names for these images and this post. For example:
This is how we celebrate Gran’s birthday breakfast…
This is what the beach house really looks like…
Keeping it real: The truth behind the beautiful images…
Keeping it real: What the beach house looks like 90% of the time…
Oh I could go on, but instead I will give you my family pictures that I am just starting to process from the summer. I have so many personal images I haven’t even touched. I try when I upload them to my hard drive to cull them right away and process a few favorites, but sometimes that doesn’t even happen. Every year for Christmas I give my mom a calendar and a box of all the photos I processed through the year. The snapshots of my family that is. And I say processed because I take so many more than ever even make it to process point let alone print. So enough here is Gran’s 62nd birthday breakfast.
There is always food on top of the fridge, in the cabinets, on the counter. That is what happens when 20 people live together all summer. Plus the random Nintendo DS, dress up clothes, etc. You name it you could possibly find it in the kitchen.I give you random commentary of the beach house kitchen, the people in it, and how it looks 90% of the time.

All three granddaughters decorated the birthday cake.

The littles watched the big.

The cake that we all have for every birthday. Black Magic, my grandmother’s recipe. It is yummy.Â

I love how focused Anais is. She is so curious and takes it all in. Oh to be 3. Well here she is 2, but 2 days later she turned 3. Anais and Gran are birthday buddies.
The birthday girls.
I love this picture. My mom is sneaking some icing. Â Brett is randomly scratching his stomach waiting for his piece of cake. Noor and Anais want their cake. They are having a stare down on the first piece that goes to the birthday girl. They have to wait for Gran to have her piece and then they get served. Oh the injustice of it all.Â

I love how annoyed Noor is that she has to wait for cake. I also love that her face is still painted from an adventure to town with her Gran.